JASNA St. Louis Region Officers are a dedicated group of volunteers. Please contact them if you would like to ask a question or submit a suggestion.
General Inquiries: info@jasna-stl.org
Region Coordinator: Kathie Bassett (stlcoordinator@jasna-stl.org)
Program Committee: Bettye Dew, Kathie Bassett, Annie Bierman, Ellen Kunkelmann, and Christine Rosica (programs@jasna-stl.org)
Hospitality Coordinators: Bettye Dew & Bonnie Samuelson (hospitality@jasna-stl.org)
Treasurer & Membership: Jennifer Darnell (treasurer@jasna-stl.org or membership@jasna-stl.org)
Publicity Coordinator & Newsletter Editor: Ellen Kunkelmann (publicity@jasna-stl.org)
Recording Secretary, Historian, & Librarian: Rachel Harris (secretary@jasna-stl.org or historian@jasna-stl.org)
Website Manager: Christine Rosica (web@jasna-stl.org)