Celebrating Pride & Prejudice
From Linda Dennery and Meg Levin we learn that JASNA–NY Metro could not let the centenary of Jane Austen’s most famous novel pass without devoting at least one event to the subject. The region’s fall meeting will focus on film and television adaptations of Pride and Prejudice. Realizing that there are so many to choose from—and so much to say—region organizers decided to make it an all-day event. So should you be in NYC on Saturday, Oct. 26, Dennery and Levin say, “Please join us from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. as ‘JASNA Goes to the Movies’
“Our guest speakers are Prof. Lisa Kasmer of Clark University; Carrie Rickey, former film critic of The Philadelphia Inquirer, and our own Linda Dennery, regional coordinator of JASNA–NY Metro. There will be many film clips, including a cornucopia of Collinses and a plethora of proposal scenes. If you’d like to watch those you’ve missed, here’s a link to a filmography: http://library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1101650564267-206/Pride+and+Prejudice+Filmography.pdf.
“All who register will receive a box lunch (please tell us whether you prefer a turkey or vegetarian sandwich), and we will finish with an afternoon tea.”
Venue: Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, 7 West 55th Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues (Avenue of the Americas).
Cost: Members, $65; Juvenilia, $50; Guests, $75.
For more information and to print a registration form, go here: http://library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1101650564267-207/JASNA-NY+Metro+Goes+to+the+Movies.pdf. Make check payable to JASNA-NY. To use PayPal, visit http://jasnany.org/registration. (You don’t need a PayPal account to use PayPal, just a credit card.)
Registration deadline: Tuesday, Oct. 22.