Dear Essay Writers,
As you know, JASNA (National level) sponsors an essay contest every year, with three categories: high school, undergraduate and graduate. The topic is usually tied to the theme of the upcoming AGM, in this case, it is the “afterlife” of Jane Austen’s novels. Our 2017 Essay Contest is now open — the deadline is May 21, 2017. We have no budget for publicity and so we are asking you to help us get the word out.
Attached is a color poster for the contest, suitable for downloading and posting to a physical bulletin board. The link is: We would ask you to feature it on your school’s bulletin board, newspaper, or other popular venue. Also note that the details about prizes, eligibility, style and submission, as well as links to previous winning essays, are available at
We look forward to your submissions. If you have any questions about this contest please contact our Regional Coordinators at HERE.
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death, JASNA is looking for short essays that address the following questions: Let us have lights, camera and action. “Imagine that you are adapting an Austen novel for stage or film. What elements might you be tempted to change – especially for a modern audience – that should not be tampered with if the integrity of the work is to be preserved? These elements could be scenes, characters, dialogue or something else. Explain why they are so crucial to the novel. How does what can and cannot be changed shed light on Austen’s popularity and influence?
Who Is Eligible: Students at the high school, college and graduate levels.
Awards: Judges select first-, second-, and third-place winners in each of the three divisions.
Winners will receive:
- • Cash scholarships ranging from $250 to $1,000
- • Paid registration and two-nights’ lodging for the JASNA Annual General Meeting in Huntington Beach CA, October 6-8 (first place only)
- • One-year free membership in JASNA
- • Publication of the winning essays on the JASNA website.
Entry Deadline: May 21, 2017
For Details/How to Enter: Visit the Essay Contest page at