215 Wyandotte Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
Jane Austen Regency Ball
Join us Saturday, October 18
from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The Aladdin Hotel Ballroom
1215 Wyandotte St.
Kansas City, MO
You are cordially invited to attend a delightful evening of English country dance in the polite society of three remarkable organizations:
The Jane Austen Society of North America—Kansas City Region
The Midwestern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
The English Department, University of Missouri – Kansas City
We encourage our neighboring JASNA Regions to attend, but make haste to inquire about discounted hotel rooms by contacting Dr. Jennifer Frangos at frangosj@umkc.edu
Ticket price is still being determined, but we assure you that even Aunt Norris would find the sum reasonable for the benefit received.
Bring a friend or partner, or come by yourself…it matters not, because our style of dance will have you changing hands with both novice and experienced dancers throughout the evening.
Dances will be called by Jerome Grisanti whose enthusiasm, distinctive voice and clear teaching skills have made him a popular caller throughout the Midwest. Dances will flow to the live music of Jill and Greg Allen of Red House.
We encourage Regency dress or modern attire. The ballroom ambience is enhanced by the swing of skirts and kilts. (No jeans please.) Light refreshments will be served and card games will offer alternate entertainment.
Ready your reticule, feather your head dress, but by all means save the date of Saturday, October 18.
Event organizers:
Dr. Jennifer Frangos at frangosj@umkc.edu
Leah Wilson at ljpww@hotmail.com
Julienne Gehrer
Regional Coordinator, JASNA-KC
Life Member, Jane Austen Society of North America