Jane Austen heroines demonstrate what are today highly relevant and valued leadership skills that can translate easily to a variety of roles and issues. An example would be skill of forgiving slights in the interest of building future relationships. (Bob treated this topic in his article Persausion (electronic version). He has written two management books on leadership and is intrigued by the idea of using Austen as a source of current approaches to problem-solving in organizational contexts.
Robert Mai is a principal in Stakeholder Insights, an opinion-research firm in St. Louis. He teaches courses in managing people at Brown School at Washington University and is the author of The Leader as Communicator (AMACOM). He has earned degrees in English from Columbia and the University of Rochester.
Dearest Janeites,
Is it permitted for an outsider to visit one of your auspicious events before making a formal commitment to your excellent society?
With warmest regards, etc.
Dear Dawn,
Since this is a public meeting all are welcome. Please let anyone who is interested know about this.
The address and date and time are listed above.
We look forward to seeing you.
Rose Nester
co-coordinator JASNA St. Louis