On Saturday, March 16, 2013, members and guests of our St. Louis Metropolitan Region of the Jane Austen Society of North America gathered at the Tavern of Fine Arts to read their favorite selections from Pride and Prejudice. The tavern, a café and fine arts venue, provided lunch and offered a special cocktail for the occasion: “The Bennet”—a concoction that many raved over.
We read in the tavern’s performance space (excellent acoustics). Everyone who read could be heard easily, and everyone read so well! It was truly special, with great guest readers and wonderful members and guests in the audience. The afternoon was a resounding success.
Here is a sample of responses to the event:
The entire program was delightful. I enjoyed meeting and listening to all who contributed. The Tavern was totally new to me, and I am so pleased with an introduction to it as well.
I felt the people at the Tavern were gracious and helpful, clearly committed to establishing an intimate and informal performing arts venue in the area. It was my first time there, though my friend, who read with me, had read in—and helped organize—the annual Joyce readings held there on Bloomsday, June 16. I look forward to hearing classical music there, especially guitar, and do hope we can find occasion to “do it again next year.”
What a delightful way to spend an afternoon. I enjoyed every one of the talented readers and their selections! Thanks to all of you and special thanks to Rose and Jim for arranging this wonderful program!
I believe it would be marvelous to continue this practice with the coming publication anniversaries of Mansfield Park, Emma, Persuasion, and Northanger Abbey. And because we did not have the opportunity to mark the 2011 publication anniversary of Sense and Sensibility, I believe it would be good to schedule a reading for that book also.
Thanks to all, for a lovely afternoon.