Back issues of Persuasions on sale. The region has acquired limited quantities of JASNA’s literary journal Persuasions, ranging from No.17 in 1995 to the current issue, No.34. Each contains articles that were presented at the previous year’s Annual General Meeting. So if you have gaps in your collection, you can fill them now. Review the list at “Persuasions for sale“. (The list is two pages, so scroll down.) Contact Kerri Spennicchia at to purchase. All proceeds benefit JASNA–NY Metro.
2019, March 10 – Mrs. Allen’s Closet OR Costume in the Time of Jane Austen

“Mrs. Allen’s Closet; OR Fashion in the Time of Jane Austen” looked at the revolutionary changes in women’s dress during Jane Austen’s lifetime. What were these changes, what prompted them, and have there been similar fashion revolutions in modern times – our presenter, Cathy Reilly led an interesting conversation with … READ ON