4401 Hampton Ave
St. Louis, MO 63109
The program is for JASNA-St. Louis Members and their Guest. Reservations ARE required.
Emma and Empathy: A Facilitated Conversation
Led by Bob Mai
Bonus Meeting!
Saturday, April 23, 2016, 2 – 4 p.m.
Buder Library, 4401 Hampton Avenue, (314) 352-2900 St. Louis, MO 63109
Space is limited – reservations recommended
Bob Mai will lead a discussion that focuses on Emma and other characters in the novel, Emma, and examine how they show empathy (or not) for each other. Group discussion will have reference to recent research in the fields of behavioral economics and cognitive psychology, and will seek to extend insights into why these characters behave the way they do. Be prepared to participate in at least two break-out discussion groups as we consider the relative success different characters enjoy in getting their way with one another, and how we feel about them in the process.
Bob Mai, a member of the Metropolitan St. Louis Region, Jane Austen Society of America, is the author of an article published in Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line: “To Forgive is Divine – and Practical, Too.” Bob is a principal in Stakeholder Insights, an opinion research firm in St. Louis. He teaches courses in managing people for the Brown School at Washington University and is the author of The Leader as Communicator (AMACOM). He has earned degrees in English from Columbia and the University of Rochester.